
Racial Justice

From access to housing, employment, wealth generation, healthcare access and outcomes, education, and criminal justice – your organization has a role to play in promoting racial justice. Our assessment will help identify areas of opportunity when it comes to racial equity from a holistic perspective.

From 1619 to present, there have been policies, laws, and norms that have been based on racial and ethnic identify, from Jim Crow laws to redlining. Despite some strides and perceived progress, racial injustice and discrimination continue to inform policies, programs, and social attitudes that disproportionately affect our Black colleagues and colleagues of color. It is important that organizations commit to racial equity, increase their levels of awareness, and create actions to create a more inclusive culture. 
We are committed to providing research, resources and tools to understand how our past continues to shape our present, and what you can do within your organization to combat the inequities, disparities and policies that continue to impact your colleagues of color.


To understand corporate racial justice, it’s best to start with a thorough understanding of race and how it affects every aspect of our society. These tools will help you understand the systems of racial inequity in the world, and how we can affect change.


Now is the time to reset expectations for a new and better “normal” to which we can eventually return. Here are 10 commitments that corporations can and should make that will help achieve racial equity.

Beyond Training and the “Skills Gap” provides a broad picture for the field’s leaders and professionals of how the workers they serve – particularly workers of color – are framed in the media coverage of jobs in two expanding, higher wage industries – technology and health care. 

The present research investigates how contact with Black Americans shapes White Americans’ willingness to engage in collective action for racial justice and support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Without adequate support, minority employees are likely to perceive their environments as more interpersonally and institutionally biased against them. Leaders seeking to create an inclusive environment for everyone must find ways to address these topics.


Embracing Black voices is a crucial step in the pursuit of actionable change. Learn more about the history of slavery, Black culture and racial justice from Black activists, advocates and  historians. 

The Justice in America Podcast explains criminal justice issues in America  featuring analysis and conversation with experts and advocates.

Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast features conversations on race and pop culture  to build momentum and advance racial justice in our policies, institutions and culture.

The 1619 Podcast by the New York Times is an audio series on how slavery has transformed America from the past to the present. 


At Clarkston, we believe our differences make us stronger. We are committed to ensuring that all voices are heard, all cultures are valued, and all people are given equal opportunity to grow and thrive. The fight to end racial injustice and inequality starts from within. Only through steadfast commitment to changing the ways we think and work can we create a greater, more equitable world.

Clarkston Consulting

2655 Meridian Parkway

Durham, NC 27713

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